Tuesday 15 December 2015

I am trying to post a comment on my own blog

This comment:

Sorry for making the paragraph 6 the culprit paragraph of precisely Mater et Magistra, I seem to have confused it with Pacem in Terris.

Here we go, Pacem in Terris §6:

6. But the mischief is often caused by erroneous opinions. Many people think that the laws which govern man's relations with the State are the same as those which regulate the blind, elemental forces of the universe. But it is not so; the laws which govern men are quite different. The Father of the universe has inscribed them in man's nature, and that is where we must look for them; there and nowhere else.

My emphasis. In the first of the sentences I emphasised, Roncalli might have just said that others think that mathematical rather than moral laws govern the universe and that they also think this is true of the relations of man and state.

If so, he could have continued: But it is not so; the laws which govern men are moral ones. The Father of the universe has inscribed them in man's nature, and that is where we must look for them; there and nowhere else.

Or he could have continued: But it is not so; the laws which govern men are quite different from this real or supposed necessity of the universe. The Father of the universe has inscribed them in man's nature, and that is where we must look for them; there and nowhere else.

Or ... but alas, he continued "But it is not so; the laws which govern men are quite different." Which is taken as different from those of the Universe. Meaning those of the Universe are not inscribed into the "hearts" of angels, only into the vectors of physical factors. Which is cosmologically speaking a modernist poison.

On this post:

New blog on the kid : Good and Bad Stuff in Mater et Magistra

And I keep getting back to:

Impossible d'accepter votre texte HTML: Cette balise n'est pas autorisée.: U

Even IF I have already three or four times over corrected it to B.

Someone at Nanterre university or someone at blogger is deliberately delaying the process of correcting the url and involving an url I already corrected into fault that should no longer be there, to make posting this comment impossible./HGL

Update next day: "15/12/2015 03:16 Pacific Standard Time" I published above - that would be around noon here in Nanterre. Rest of the day, I could basically not get internet, all computers had malfunctioning connexion, or so I was told. What a coincidence!

I used the remainder of the day to use paint and bloc note to make documents. On Paint, I made a few advertisements for my blogs, and fortunately printed out one of them. On bloc note I wrote html for articles - which will perhaps not be exactly as thought, since ALL documents on this very computer that I created yesterday have now been deleted./HGL

PS: I have however now this morning been able to post the comment correctly./HGL

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