Friday 4 March 2016

Nicholas P. Wilde does Not Add up to Number of the Beast - But NICKWILDE Does

And the partner of Judy Hopps is more usually referred to as Nick Wilde than as Nicholas P. Wilde.

J 74 70 4
U 85 150 9
D 68 210 17
Y 89 290 26
H 72 360 28
O 79 430 37
P 80 510 37
P 80 590 37
S 83 670 40 710 32 742

N 78 70 8
I 73 140 11
C 67 200 18
K 75 270 23
W 87 350 30
I 73 420 33
L 76 490 39
D 68 550 47
E 69 610 56

I got suspicious when I saw Judy Hopps having 9 letters. So, I checked. Obviously, they could have named him Nick Wild (without final -e) and we would be dealing with [NICKWILD]=[597] or [NICK WILD]=[597+32=629].

By the way, 629 is not quite unconspicuous in this context either. Number of the beast is 18*37 and 629=17*37.

Now, is there anything in the content of the film which argues there is sth rotten, too?

According to the synopsis given on wikipedia, yes.

For one, the idea of a zootopia. Yes, I know, it is Biblical that the lion and the lamb shall lie down together. But here we are dealing with a zootopia upheld not by divine miracle, but by policing.


Back in Bunnyburrow, Hopps learns that “Night Howlers” are flowers that have a severe psychotropic effects on mammals, and that her parents use them to protect their crops.

So, the "crook" (revealed after some time) is drugs? A Puritan idea.

Third, here we go:

Hopps and Wilde locate an asylum detaining the missing, savaged mammals (including Mr. Otterton) and discover Mayor Lionheart consulting with a doctor about their condition. The pair escape with the evidence and the police swarm the area, arresting Lionheart. Having developed a friendship with Wilde throughout the investigation, Hopps requests that he joins the ZPD and become her partner, which Wilde happily considers. However, during a press conference, a pressured Hopps describes the savaged mammals' condition as them reverting to their natural instincts.

So, the real hope is getting away from one's natural instincts and the real hell being pushed back into them?

Note, this is NOT Catholic theology.

An instinct may in its natural state and in our fallen one be too strong to be indulged uncrubed, but each natural instinct is there for a good purpose. Without any excedption.

And civilisation is not a late come curb on our natural instincts, but we have had "civilisation", or rather technology, urban society, good manners, which are three different things, and good manners have been curbing the excess of our natural instincts since the fall of Adam.

I was expecting a kind of fourth warning signal, like in a preview I thought Wilde and Hopps were going to be a couple, from how they acted. But that does not seem to be in the synopsis I read here.

I would not go and see it.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
Friday after III Lord's Day in Lent

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