Friday 30 May 2014

In Answer to Mr. Obama's question from a long time ago

1) In Answer to Mr. Obama's question from a long time ago, 2) Obama's Take on History

"Whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?"

1) If dad and mom are Catholics, they ought to either homeschool or send to an apprenticeship or send sonny to a Catholic school for boys or young Miss to a Catholic school for girls.

2) If dad and mom are Lutherans, they ought to either homeschool, or send to an apprenticeship, insofar as their Lutheran heresy would allow their conscience that, or send sonny to a Lutheran school for boys and young Miss to a Lutheran school for girls.

3) If dad and mom are - good help their poor souls! - Calvinist, they ought to either homeschool or send to an apprenticeship or send sonny to a Calvinist school for boys and young Miss to a Calvinist school for girls.

4) I think much the same principle applies to Jews, Moslims, Mormons, Baptists, Pentecostals. It even applies to Idol Worshippers, except insofar as they risk sacrificing their children to Moloch. Might even apply to Anglicans.

5) Where resources are scarce for a community of religious type to set up a separate school for its boys and a separate school for its girls, well, a secular community can also run a school. Do you know how Austria and Prussia regulates the problem? Religion class is divided after confession.

In Austria, as son of a Protestant mother - technically - I would not have had to go to Catholic religious class. I did because mother was the kind of High Church who preferred Catholicism to "Evangelisch", i e basically Calvinism. I am very thankful for that. It has contributed to make a Catholic of me.

But I am also thankful for knowing about the system and being able to give an answer to Mr Obama's stupid question.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bpi, Georges Pompidou
Day after Ascension Thursday
30 / V / 2014

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